Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to: Creating a Web App with ASP.NET MVC using C#, RAZOR and Visual Studio

In this basic tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a web-based application using an excellent combination of several development technologies that speak for themselves. Do you want to know what I’m talking about? Ok, let’s review each of them.

What is ASP.NET?

Microsoft ASP.NET is a framework used to develop web applications, dynamic web sites and web services. There have been 6 frameworks so far since this technology was created: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and the current version 4.5. Every framework has been adding more and more classes, methods, types, etc., so the programmers are able to do more things using these new features.

What is MVC?

MVC is a software architecture pattern which separates the development of applications in three concepts or components: Model, View and Controller.  As you can see, this is where the name comes from.  Just look at the first letter of each word of the components (yeah I know it’s not difficult to realize, just wanted to make sure you did), let’s see what they are about:

Model - It manages the entity definition, data access and business logic of our application.

View - It represents the user interface and where the user can see the information provided by the model.

Controller - It’s how the Model and View components communicate or interact. It’s the link between them two.

MVC is a pattern so it's not exclusive of any company or license. There are many MVC frameworks. For example, Cocoa, using Objective C licensed by Apple, Ruby On Rails, using Ruby licensed by MIT and Grails using JAVA licensed by APACHE.  We could continue with so much more, but the one we are focusing on in this tutorial is Microsoft ASP.NET MVC, using  C#. Currently there are 4 versions of ASP.NET MVC and in this tutorial we’ll use MVC 3.

What is C#?

C# is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as part of the .NET framework.

What is Razor?

Razor is an ASP.NET programming syntax that allows the programmers to write some C# or Visual Basic code embedded in an html page and is used to create dynamic web pages. It was released by Microsoft for Visual Studio 2010 in January 2011 as part of ASP.NET MVC 3.

What is Visual Studio?

It is a tool, or technically speaking, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to create applications of several kinds such as windows form applications, web sites, web applications and web services. It supports different programming languages like C#, as well as Visual Basic, C, C++, and provides support for Python and Ruby.

Well, now that we know a little more about these software development technologies and we have all our ingredients, let’s mix them.

1. Open Visual Studio 2012, go to "File/New" menu and click on "Project". A window like the following will open:


2. In this window, select within the Visual C# options, ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application.
3. Then in the following window, select the template “Empty”, and “Razor” as View engine, and then click Ok.


Now, you can see a web application Project created with the folders that you need: Models, Views, and Controller, plus the reference, app data, scripts, and other files.

4. Now right-click on the folder “Controllers” and "Add/Controller” and you’ll see a window where you can enter the name of your controller. Let’s name it “Index”, and for the template option let’s leave Empty Controller. Don’t remove the suffix “Controller” in the controller name because it’s indicating that this one is a controller class.


5. Now, right-click on the folder “Models” and select Add/Class. Name this class whatever you want as this will be the Entity to show in the View. Let’s name it “IndexModel” (the name doesn’t have to include the word “index”). Then, add some properties to the class. For this example let’s add ID, Description and Comments properties.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;namespace MyMvcApplication.Models
public class IndexModel
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; } }

6. Now, right-click on the folder “Views” and create a new folder named “Index” (as the controller). Then right-click on that folder and select Add/View. Let’s name the view as “Index” also and as a result we’ll have a new “Index. cshtml”.


Now, that you've added our Controller, Model and View files created, let’s add some code there.

7. Let’s add some code to the controller which will look like this:


As you can see the methods that send models to the view commonly return an ActionResult, and these methods are called Actions. This action will send the data to a View with the same name by default, unless you specify the name of another one in the “return View ()” clause.

8. Now, let’s add some code to the view which will look like this.


You have to add the reference to the Model at the top of the page. In this case, our Model is a list so that’s why the word “IEnumerable” shows up in this View. If the Model was a single element, just say MyMvcApplication. Models. IndexModel.

9. Now, run the Project using your favorite browser, and make sure you add to the URL the action “Index”. 


10. That’s it! We have our first MVC Application with ASP.NET MVC 3, using C# and Razor.

MVC is an interesting software development technology which pretends to organize our applications using these three layers. Therefore, it is a good approach when every member of a development team works only with part of the code, like the business logic for example (Back-End), and other developers work only with Front-End.

I know this is a very simple application, but I just wanted you to know more about the famous MVC and how it works.


Model View Controller

Razor view engine

Rommel Sanchez Coronel is a software engineer with 7+ years of experience mostly in web applications. He likes analyzing, designing and developing applications and complex Information Systems. He works at iTexico as a .NET developer. 

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