Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to Create a Database Mobile App with SQLite and Xamarin Studio

When we work on mobile app development, it is just a matter of time when we face the need for data storage; information that can be the backbone for the mobile app to just a single data such as the score for a game.

Nowdays every mobile app with minimum data storage needs to use a database. Since the mobile devices do not offer the same memory and processing capacity as a computer, we need to use specially designed systems for those environments.

So I will guide you in this basic tutorial on how to create a database for your mobile app working with the cross-platform Xamarin studio, which is a great tool for this example. 

What is SQLite?

SQLite is a database engine, compatible with ACID. Unlike client-server systems, SQLite is linked to the mobile app by becoming part of it. Every operation is performed within the mobile app through calls and methods provided by the SQLite library which is written in C and has a relatively smaller size.

Create a new Android mobile application solution in Xamarin Studio

If you don't have Xamarin Studio, don't worry. You can download it here: Xamarin Studio

Database class

1. Right click project BD_Demo --> Add --> New File… --> Android Class (Database)

Database class is for handling SQLiteDatabase object. We are now going to create objects and methods for handling CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in a database table. Here is the code: 

//Required assemblies
using Android.Database.Sqlite;
using System.IO;

namespace BD_Demo
    class Database
        //SQLiteDatabase object for database handling
        private SQLiteDatabase sqldb;
        //String for Query handling
        private string sqldb_query;
        //String for Message handling
        private string sqldb_message;
        //Bool to check for database availability
        private bool sqldb_available;
        //Zero argument constructor, initializes a new instance of Database class
        public Database()
            sqldb_message = "";
            sqldb_available = false;
        //One argument constructor, initializes a new instance of Database class with database name parameter
        public Database(string sqldb_name)
                sqldb_message = "";
                sqldb_available = false;
            catch (SQLiteException ex) 
                sqldb_message = ex.Message;
        //Gets or sets value depending on database availability
        public bool DatabaseAvailable
            get{ return sqldb_available; }
            set{ sqldb_available = value; }
        //Gets or sets the value for message handling
        public string Message
            get{ return sqldb_message; }
            set{ sqldb_message = value; }
        //Creates a new database which name is given by the parameter
        public void CreateDatabase(string sqldb_name)
                sqldb_message = "";
                string sqldb_location = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
                string sqldb_path = Path.Combine(sqldb_location, sqldb_name);
                bool sqldb_exists = File.Exists(sqldb_path);
                    sqldb = SQLiteDatabase.OpenOrCreateDatabase(sqldb_path,null);
                    sqldb_query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MyTable (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name VARCHAR, LastName VARCHAR, Age INT);";
                    sqldb_message = "Database: " + sqldb_name + " created";
                    sqldb = SQLiteDatabase.OpenDatabase(sqldb_path, null, DatabaseOpenFlags.OpenReadwrite);
                    sqldb_message = "Database: " + sqldb_name + " opened";
            catch(SQLiteException ex) 
                sqldb_message = ex.Message;
        //Adds a new record with the given parameters
        public void AddRecord(string sName, string sLastName, int iAge)
                sqldb_query = "INSERT INTO MyTable (Name, LastName, Age) VALUES ('" + sName + "','" + sLastName + "'," + iAge + ");";
                sqldb_message = "Record saved";
            catch(SQLiteException ex) 
                sqldb_message = ex.Message;
        //Updates an existing record with the given parameters depending on id parameter
        public void UpdateRecord(int iId, string sName, string sLastName, int iAge)
                sqldb_query="UPDATE MyTable SET Name ='" + sName + "', LastName ='" + sLastName + "', Age ='" + iAge + "' WHERE _id ='" + iId + "';";
                sqldb_message = "Record " + iId + " updated";
            catch(SQLiteException ex)
                sqldb_message = ex.Message;
        //Deletes the record associated to id parameter
        public void DeleteRecord(int iId)
                sqldb_query = "DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE _id ='" + iId + "';";
                sqldb_message = "Record " + iId + " deleted";
            catch(SQLiteException ex) 
                sqldb_message = ex.Message;
        //Searches a record and returns an Android.Database.ICursor cursor
        //Shows all the records from the table
        public Android.Database.ICursor GetRecordCursor()
            Android.Database.ICursor sqldb_cursor = null;
                sqldb_query = "SELECT*FROM MyTable;";
                sqldb_cursor = sqldb.RawQuery(sqldb_query, null);
                if(!(sqldb_cursor != null))
                    sqldb_message = "Record not found";
            catch(SQLiteException ex) 
                sqldb_message = ex.Message;
            return sqldb_cursor;
        //Searches a record and returns an Android.Database.ICursor cursor
        //Shows records according to search criteria
        public Android.Database.ICursor GetRecordCursor(string sColumn, string sValue)
            Android.Database.ICursor sqldb_cursor = null;
                sqldb_query = "SELECT*FROM MyTable WHERE " + sColumn + " LIKE '" + sValue + "%';";
                sqldb_cursor = sqldb.RawQuery(sqldb_query, null);
                if(!(sqldb_cursor != null))
                    sqldb_message = "Record not found";
            catch(SQLiteException ex) 
                sqldb_message = ex.Message;
            return sqldb_cursor;

Records Layout

2. Expand Resources Folder on Solution Pad

    a) Right click Layout Folder --> Add --> New File… --> Android Layout (record_view)

We need a layout for each item we are going to add to our database table. We do not need to define a layout for every item and this same layout can be re-used as many times as the items we have.

        android:textStyle="bold" />
        android:textStyle="bold" />
        android:textColor="#ffffffff" />
        android:gravity="center" />

Main Layout

3. Expand Resources folder on Solution Pad --> Expand Layout folder

    a) Double Click Main layout (Main.axml)

Xamarin automatically makes Form Widgets's IDs available by referencing Resorce.Id class.


Note: I highly recommended putting images into Drawable folder.

-Expand Resources Folder

  ~Right Click Drawable folder --> Add --> Add Files…

            android:textColor="#ffffffff" />
                    android:text="Last Name"
            android:textStyle="bold" />
            android:textColor="#ffffffff" />
            android:layout_weight="1" />
            android:layout_weight="1" />
            android:layout_weight="1" />
            android:layout_marginRight="10dp" />
            android:layout_marginRight="10dp" />
            android:layout_marginRight="10dp" />
            android:layout_marginRight="10dp" />
        android:gravity="center" />
            android:id="@+id/id" />
            android:id="@+id/name" />
                    android:text="Last Name"
            android:id="@+id/last" />
            android:id="@+id/age" />
        android:id="@+id/listItems" />

Main Activity class

4. Double Click Main Activity (MainActivity.cs)

We have to get object instances from main layout and provide them with an event. Main events will be Add, Edit, Delete and Search for the image buttons we have defined. We have to populate our ListView object with the data stored in the database or create a new one in case it does not exist.

namespace BD_Demo
    //Main activity for app launching
    [Activity (Label = "BD_Demo", MainLauncher = true)]
    public class MainActivity : Activity
        //Database class new object
        Database sqldb;
        //Name, LastName and Age EditText objects for data input
        EditText txtName, txtAge, txtLastName;
        //Message TextView object for displaying data
        TextView shMsg;
        //Add, Edit, Delete and Search ImageButton objects for events handling
        ImageButton imgAdd, imgEdit, imgDelete, imgSearch;
        //ListView object for displaying data from database
        ListView listItems;
        //Launches the Create event for app
        protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
            base.OnCreate (bundle);
            //Set our Main layout as default view
            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
            //Initializes new Database class object
            sqldb = new Database("person_db");
            //Gets ImageButton object instances
            imgAdd = FindViewById (Resource.Id.imgAdd);
            imgDelete = FindViewById (Resource.Id.imgDelete);
            imgEdit = FindViewById (Resource.Id.imgEdit);
            imgSearch = FindViewById (Resource.Id.imgSearch);
            //Gets EditText object instances
            txtAge = FindViewById (Resource.Id.txtAge);
            txtLastName = FindViewById (Resource.Id.txtLastName);
            txtName = FindViewById (Resource.Id.txtName);
            //Gets TextView object instances
            shMsg = FindViewById (Resource.Id.shMsg);
            //Gets ListView object instance
            listItems = FindViewById (Resource.Id.listItems);
            //Sets Database class message property to shMsg TextView instance
            shMsg.Text = sqldb.Message;
            //Creates ImageButton click event for imgAdd, imgEdit, imgDelete and imgSearch
            imgAdd.Click += delegate {
                //Calls function AddRecord for adding a new record
                sqldb.AddRecord (txtName.Text, txtLastName.Text, int.Parse (txtAge.Text));
                shMsg.Text = sqldb.Message;
                txtName.Text = txtAge.Text = txtLastName.Text = "";

            imgEdit.Click += delegate {
                int iId = int.Parse(shMsg.Text);
                //Calls UpdateRecord function for updating an existing record
                sqldb.UpdateRecord (iId, txtName.Text, txtLastName.Text, int.Parse (txtAge.Text));
                shMsg.Text = sqldb.Message;
                txtName.Text = txtAge.Text = txtLastName.Text = "";

            imgDelete.Click += delegate {
                int iId = int.Parse(shMsg.Text);
                //Calls DeleteRecord function for deleting the record associated to id parameter
                sqldb.DeleteRecord (iId);
                shMsg.Text = sqldb.Message;
                txtName.Text = txtAge.Text = txtLastName.Text = "";

            imgSearch.Click += delegate {
                //Calls GetCursorView function for searching all records or single record according to search criteria
                string sqldb_column = "";
                if (txtName.Text.Trim () != "") 
                    sqldb_column = "Name";
                    GetCursorView (sqldb_column, txtName.Text.Trim ());
                } else
                    if (txtLastName.Text.Trim () != "") 
                    sqldb_column = "LastName";
                    GetCursorView (sqldb_column, txtLastName.Text.Trim ());
                } else
                    if (txtAge.Text.Trim () != "") 
                    sqldb_column = "Age";
                    GetCursorView (sqldb_column, txtAge.Text.Trim ());
                } else 
                    GetCursorView ();
                    sqldb_column = "All";
                shMsg.Text = "Search " + sqldb_column + ".";
            //Add ItemClick event handler to ListView instance
            listItems.ItemClick += new EventHandler (item_Clicked);
        //Launched when a ListView item is clicked
        void item_Clicked (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            //Gets TextView object instance from record_view layout
            TextView shId = e.View.FindViewById (Resource.Id.Id_row);
            TextView shName = e.View.FindViewById (Resource.Id.Name_row);
            TextView shLastName = e.View.FindViewById (Resource.Id.LastName_row);
            TextView shAge = e.View.FindViewById (Resource.Id.Age_row);
            //Reads values and sets to EditText object instances
            txtName.Text = shName.Text;
            txtLastName.Text = shLastName.Text;
            txtAge.Text = shAge.Text;
            //Displays messages for CRUD operations
            shMsg.Text = shId.Text;
        //Gets the cursor view to show all records
        void GetCursorView()
            Android.Database.ICursor sqldb_cursor = sqldb.GetRecordCursor ();
            if (sqldb_cursor != null) 
                sqldb_cursor.MoveToFirst ();
                string[] from = new string[] {"_id","Name","LastName","Age" };
                int[] to = new int[] {
                //Creates a SimplecursorAdapter for ListView object
                SimpleCursorAdapter sqldb_adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter (this, Resource.Layout.record_view, sqldb_cursor, from, to);
                listItems.Adapter = sqldb_adapter;
                shMsg.Text = sqldb.Message;
        //Gets the cursor view to show records according to search criteria
        void GetCursorView (string sqldb_column, string sqldb_value)
            Android.Database.ICursor sqldb_cursor = sqldb.GetRecordCursor (sqldb_column, sqldb_value);

            if (sqldb_cursor != null) 
                sqldb_cursor.MoveToFirst ();
                string[] from = new string[] {"_id","Name","LastName","Age" };
                int[] to = new int[] 
                SimpleCursorAdapter sqldb_adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter (this, Resource.Layout.record_view, sqldb_cursor, from, to);
                listItems.Adapter = sqldb_adapter;
                shMsg.Text = sqldb.Message;

5. Build solution and run


Ok, so that's it for today! I hope that this tutorial has been useful. Feel free to make any questions, complaints, suggestions or comments.

Happy coding!

Francisco Nieves is a current Computer Systems Engineering student with more than 2 years of experience in .NET development. He currently works at iTexico as a Xamarin Mobile Developer for mobile app development projects.

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